Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Time!!!

Its fall time one of my favorite seasons. When you can bundle up with warm sweaters and all the leaves are changing colors. Its just so pretty. So last weekend my sister and her 3 boys and kaydence and my mom and I decided to go to Penn Pump Park and take pictures next to Bushkill Creek. With my camera I set the color to sephia and my sister took colored ones. We had a good time taking pictures, it was a blast. Kaydence almost fell into the water and as Ashley tries to grab her she is tripping and almost fell too. Alex just sits there and poses for the camera, i think he could be a little model.

Yes thats right he did in fact hit her. He has a bad habit of smacking her in the head. But she gives it right back to him. She tackled him the other day in the living room. It was funny she had him pinned to the ground. GO KAYDENCE!!!! She rules the house when those boys come over to play.

I love this picture of Alex and Nathan. They just look so cute with the curly hair. It was hard at times getting them to sit still. Alex was good at it and Nathan not so much. He would make weird faces and poses. But we managed to get a few good ones.

Now doesnt alex just look like model. He would serious sit by himself and pose, anywhere he felt like it. I think ashley should put him into modeling. He would do a good job.

This is the end to our great adventure at Penn Pump Park!!!


Erika Reyna and Kids said...

aww they all look sooo adorable!!! Now it's my turn to do some family pics. I want to do them outside but it's so cold out here right now. It snowed Saturday night!!! Crazy huh?

Candi said...

Really really cute pictures! You can come to my house any day and take pictures for me. I just can't seem to get a good one of our family.

Drew, Leah, Saige,Lillie and Kaiya Whitehead said...

hey dude! I love your pics! what little studs and studett! haha We need to get some pics of our girls. I remember dreaming when you were preggo that we would dress our girls in the same things and take some mad cute pics! hmmm.. we should get on that before they are 20!! Love you!