Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So getting sick is like a chain reaction for my family. First it starts out with a cough then a runny nose and before you know it one by one we get sick. I hate being sick, all i want to do is stay in bed and sleep but some point in my life i decided to grow up and now i cant do that kind of stuff anymore. I feel so bad for little miss kaydence she has a horrible runny nose....its like a water faucet that never stops dripping. haha sorry but i couldnt describe it any other way. I feel helpless towards her...i wish their was more i could do for her to make her feel better. The worse part is she is teething too so on top of the runny nose junk everywhere she is covered in slubber. Any ideas on how to make her feel better besides drugging her up with meds....she is the worst kid to give that stuff to.

1 comment:

Candi said...

I always use the vicks humidifiers in our house whenever someone gets sick. Orange juice, chicken noodle soup. all that good stuff.
As far as teething goes, sometimes it helps to give them a popcycle to suck on to sooth the gums. I swear by the homeopathic tething tablets you get at walmart. They are little white tablets that dissolve in her mouth. They are safe and your baby's mouth wont get all numbed up. Good luck sweetie! I hate it when the kids are sick.